

is undertaken, the quality of the scientific research and the data
being produced, and an estimation of the appropriateness of the study
and of the level of its financial support. A thorough site report

. will be prepared for each visit.

e A separate group of consultants with experience in science administration and governmental practices will study the management of
health-related scientific programs in the DOE, including: evaluation
of the method of program selection, peer review, and program manage-


A detailed report of management practices will be prepared.

Stage Il

e The two groups, scientific site visit teams and the management
site visit team, will convene together to present their findings
collectively. At this time, an overall evaluation of the entire

DOE program complex will be developed, with special attention to

the question of whether and to what extent the programs meet the
charge to the DOE to develop data which will provide a basis for
establishing appropriate limits for human exposure to low-level
radiation and the attendant question of methods of protection
from radiation exposure.
Recommendations for future research
directions to meet unfulfilled needs for scientific data will be

a part of the responsibilities of the study.
Stage III]

Based upon the findings of the study groups, a selected number

of experts from appropriate scientific disciplines will be convened
to act as a continuing committee to review future and continuing
programs of the DOE, advise the DOE on their scientific merit, and
_ recommend new initiatives in research to resolve questions unanswered
by current information.

This committee may, if appropriate, act as

a peer review committee for new programs, although such an activity
will not be its primary function. It is contemplated that the committee will continue its activities for several years until the
questions of the safety of low-level radiation standards for permissible human exposure are satisfactorily resolved. Costs for the
operational aspects of Stage III are not included in the present

The membership of the committee and of the various site visit teams
will be selected for their expert knowledge and experience in the scientific areas under study.

Select target paragraph3