PLANS FOR THE Page four VIII. A FUT LOGISTICS ': (Transnortation) Transportation imnoptant dast along with problems faced history of transportation During the In tation will if we be needed of known period when the TT and well future, are Program . orovide the more LCU, (see the suitable to maintain the The even adesuate documented program had the two most Enc. 2-3). transportranspor- quality of ‘ The medical program is unique in that we ask nationally and/or survey (many known medical without pay). exnerts They must to participate leave busy in the programs of their own or teaching responsibilities so that it is incumbent On them with the solid director dates, DOE supnorted Therefore, of the medical well in advance, These constraints do not survey essary insure scheduled dates. The principal survey that their in the should whatever a suitable investigator extensive experience in screening programs. The or the for data. bear a hiah Bikini and of to be to other provided with the is BNL medical the Our volume difference between oresent facilities and on occassion, facilities and: -fiow should the future; be expanded the flow characteristics and might, the nec-— survey has had running high architectural and of adeauate ready on designing and A redesign Eniwetok, oa = of is dearee, ship of a survey. oriority for study = the Cri oo of same ourposes, provisions are flow characteristics are marginal, compromise planning back-up examining area can well mean success and’ failure provide groups. the medical to proaram to apply, transportation and with ao to tne program internationally O failure is well are by the BML Medical tation was adequate. the Be the the communications by the especially if addition of the volume the neonles