DLANG FOR Page Till Fur t& two > Once collected the Vil, entire LOGLOTLIOS A, \e team; the data quickly field and ledibly reoresentatives, ONL avallabiec and for consultants ( iaterials) need each is a basic check-list survey of people. of the to cover The prior of sunplies and consummables for (data base sample and number will survey and sick call) be for determined any additional input “X" number by a review the field, from plus: 1. 2. Special equipment and consummables studies requested by consultants for by B. To new tests either added to required for snecial or collaborators the data base or demanded new circumstances insure continuity in pre-planning the following will be required: VII. 1. a six (5) months pre-deployment check 2. a.follow-up check List at four month and two (2) weeks, to (4), list two (see enc. (2), one 1) (1) insure material readiness LOGISTICS (Personnel) A. The examination specified as $00n as notified, including DOE services), magistrates B. schedule and the the next fiscal (DC, Nevada, goals for should PASO), DOT, TT oe (Health BNL field representatives, representatives of each year possible and all interested parties DISTAD Marshalls, The make-up of upon for each island field survey team will each specific to be island visited be conditional survey FIELD SURVEY - FY 1979 DATES and DURATION FIRST January 15 thru February 22 s? ~ - [G18 5 Weeks Area of Concentration Staff 1. Thyroid 1. Thyroidologist 2. OB-Gyn 2. (3) 3. Hematology 3 O8-qyn Spec, 4, Sick call 4, Wurse Prac. BS. dix 3. Tech. staff & PE Internists