This project requires one well equiped M-boat in good running condition all

of the time and one full time, qualified marine engineer to maintain and
operate the boat. We have neither.
I will not be responsible for accidents
resulting in damage to or loss of equipment and/or injury to or loss of
life, that result from the malfunction or improper operation of the M-boats.
I request that you initiate action in all possible haste to obtain for us a
safely running M-boat and a qualified marine engineer. Please advise me of
your action as soon as possible.

/s/ Lewis Glenn
Lewis Glenn

Distad Rep Bikini

ec Deputy Hicom, Coleman
Chicf Com Dev, Saipan
CDA, Marshalls
Distad, Marshalls

Dr. E. E. Held, AEC Party


723 €-S10k- fl

Select target paragraph3