d. Research

Mr. D. R, Miller repofited on research projects in

high-temperature chemistry which are supported by the AEC
and discussed with the Commission means of further devel~
oping this program,
ee Biology and Medicine
Mr, Brown reviewed proposals for revising and

expanding AEC programs in Japan, and for assiting Japanese

atomic energy projects, (See minutes of Meeting 1066.)

The Chairman informed Mr, Brown of the OCB position that
Hiroshima or Nagasaki would not be appropriate sites for a
medical research reactor but that other sites might be
Mr. Brown then reported on the progress of Project

TROLL and outlined proposals which the Commission may

later be asked to consider for a public release on the Pzo-

ject and for declassification of some of its data to perm:

unclassified discussion with Japanesescientists in the near

future, The Commissioners expressed interest in examining

analyses of the Project TROLL data, He also informed the

Commission that the Division would later propose U, S,
collaboration with Japanese scientists in Project NORPAC, a
radiological survey to be conducted in the North Pacific
later in the year,
At this point the Chairman and Mr, Brown left the meeting,
f, Organization and ~ersonnel
Mr. Smith reported briefly on aspects of the

Organization and Personnel program.

At this point Mr, Smith left the meeting and Messrs, Gardner
and Trevithick entered,
*See memorandum from Paul F. Foster on this subject, dated
March 16, 1955, on file in the Office of the Secretary,
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