Radioisotopes and environmental circumstances:


internal radioactive

contamination of a Pacific Island Community exposed to local fallout.
S. H. Cohn, J. S. Robertson, and R. A. Conard.
Chapter XXI.
Eds. RR, S. Caldecott and

L. A.

Snyder, University of Minnesota Center

General Extension Division, pp. 306-36,


ror Continuation Study of the

Medical status of Marshall Islanders in 1959, five years after exposure to
fallout radiation.
R. A. Conard, L. M. Meyer, W. W. Sutow, B. S. Blumberg, A. Lowrey, S. H. Cohn,
W. H. Lewis, J. W. Hollingsworth, H. W. Lyon.
Nuclear-Medizin 1:
314-330, 1960.
Medical survey of Rongelap people five and six years after exposure to fallout.
R. A. Conard, Il. E. MacDonald, A. Lowrey, L. M. Meyer, S. Cohn, W. W. Sutow,
B. S. Blumberg, J. W. Hollingsworth, Il. W. Lyon, W. H. Lewis, Jr., A. A. Jaffe,

M. Eicher, D. Plotter, I. Lanwi, E. Rilon, J. Taman, and J. Nelkena.
BNL Report 609 (T-179), September, 1960.

A note on the vegetation of the northern islets of Rongelap Atoll,
Marshall Islands, March, 1959.
B. S. Blumberg, and R. A. Conard.
Ibid., pp. 85-86.
The biological hazards of a fallout field.
R. A. Conard.
Ed. G. R. Meneely, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield,
Ill., pp. 249-265, 1961.
Gm phenotypes and genotypes

in U.

S. Whites and Negroes;

in American Indians

and Eskimos; in Africans; and in Micronesians.
A. fF. Steinberg, R. Stauffer, B. S. Blumberg, H. Fudenberg.
Am. J. Human Genetics 13:
205-13, 1961.

Medical survey of Rongelap people seven years after exposure to fallout.
R. A. Conard, H. E. MacDonald, L. M. Meyer, S. Cohn, W. W. Sutow, D. Karnofsky,

A. Jaffe, and E. Riklon.

BNL Report 727 (T-~260), May,


‘Use of a portable whole-body counter to measure internal contamination in a
fallout-exposed population.
S. ll. Cohn, R. A. Conard, E. A. Gusmano, and J. S. Robertson.
Heaith Physics 9:



Medical survey of Rongelap people eight years after exposure to fallout.
R. A. Conard, L. M. Meyer, W. W. Sutow, W. L. Moloney, A. Lowrey, A. Hicking,

and E. Riklon.
BNL Report 780 (T-296), January,



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