Cytogenetics--It has been previously demonstrated that hydrogen

peroxide does not induce mutations in Paramecium even when t

catalase in
that neither
peroxide ner cyanide present during X-irradiation modifies tie induced
mitation rate,
Calculations show that the average concentrafi on of peroxide

the cell is partially poisoned by cyanide.

It has been sho

inside a cell the size of a paramecium is a large fraction off


that outside.

mutation experiments. At these doses, more than half of the
fect is eliminated when irradiation occurs in the absence of oxygen.
may be concluded that oxygen does not exert its influence on the mutagenic
action of X-rays by its influence on peroxide formation.
The ratio of chromatid aberrations induced by X ra
in the presence of air and in pure nitroge~ indicates a pron

in. Tradescantia
ced wave-length

effect. For chromatid deletions the ratic increases from 1 ger (50 kvp)
shorter wave lengths (gamma rays): with isochromatid deletion Is the ratio
changes in the reverse direction.

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Biochemistry--The cell-free bacterial luminescence recently produced at ORNL was examined from the standpoint of emission sy ectrum, ultraviolet effect, and of its dependence upon temperature, pH, 3
Substrates, and cofactors.
In addition to reduced coenzyme- and riboflavin
=~ lle


Select target paragraph3