A 587

Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960

November 20, 1969

ncrosrony DOE/PAS

Mr .William A.Bonnet
Manager HAO

U.S.Atomic Khergy Commission


P.0.Box 580

Honolulu, Hawaii 96809



Threugh: DistAd Marshalls




L 0& LWV

227) “KLoA* 2 ”
ng sv



Dear BSL2s
We need am official radio-active safety evaluation of the suitability of
the ground water on Bikini for human consumption. We also need a check dar
bacterial contamination.

We feel that we should have more than one sanple

from one location, before we

can state without reservation that the ground water on Eneu and Bikini Islands
is safe for human consumption.
As you know, the water samples which were sent to the Honolulu AEC office for
analysis over two months ago, arrived there at the wrong temperature. It was
therefore impossible to make a meaningful analysis.
Can your orfice help us by furnishing the necessary information and instructions
involved in gathering and shipping water sanples?
We feel that the official evaluation should be done before the people on Bikini

d we

ayy OR. the ground water will be brought up

ee We should all be prepared to

fer wedlysora
water sansips©back bo ons=tg
sot trip.
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

cc Distad
Actg Chief Com Dev T.T.
DistAd Rep Bikini


Jack A.Tobin,SeeLA, 5 LE,

Bikini Rehab Proj Coordinator Marshalls

Select target paragraph3