ALAA ! aySe SS a _ 20545 sa oe, dk JUN 26 1978 ES OMoe Department of Energy Washington, D.C. f hrm ’ ., eas Bac ihe et der i. Beates 600 PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED Dr. Robert A. Conard pac tet Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York 11973 Dear Bob: On June 19, 1978, the third hearing was held before the Interior and - Relaced Agencies Subcommittee, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, on Bikini resettlement. Representatives of the Kili Council and a resident of Bikini Island, Mr. , reported there was confusion about what appeared to them to be conflicting Statements on the safety of Bikini and Eneu Islands made during your April visit to Bikini Atoll compared with statements of a later visit by Dr. Burr and I have agreed to ask you to provide this information including your field trip report to Mrs. Ruth G. Van Cleve, Director ef the Office of — = . ~ PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED I0108bb . . ; z islands and about restrictions on eating local foods such as coconut, who told them, and when they were told. Answers to these questions corrected the error in the statement of » copy enclosed, indicating the High Commissioner's visit was less than one week after your own. The sequence of events of the last several months including the appearance of new data on Eneu coconut radioactivity levels from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory which occurred just prior to the Subcommittee's May 22, Hearing, were reviewed. These were discussed in the context of the times of the two field visits and there seemed to be an understanding of how the recommendations against use of Eneu as an alternative to Bikini came about. Nevertheless, Chairman Yates asked, and we agreed to provide, a statement of what the Bikini residents were told by the DOE team during the April 1978 visit. Presumably, this will be included in the record of the Hearing. ‘§ ges apt tian The Committee's subsequent questioning dealt with what the Bikini residents were told about the acceptability of Bikini and Eneu Islands as resident eT ee een Winkel. oe er ar22 aniline «2 High Commissioner Adrian P.