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Following the guidelines in Secretary Finch's letter the

staff initially suggested restricting the review to protection of the
general public.

During review by the Working Group the Department

of Labor member suggested that the review must be general and include a review of occupational exposures if public credibility is to be

HEW staff members have expressed a similar view.


second draft submitted for a more general agency review enlarged
the statement of the problem to indicate a more comprehensive review
and a recommendation that the initial emphasis be placed on exposure

of the general public.

Responses to the draft indicate lack of agree-

ment on what the scope of the FRC review should be.

The recom-

mendations below give the broad outline of a realistic review program
based on all opinions available to us on April 1, 1970, and represent

the best judgment of the FRC staff.

It is recommended that the Council:

Determine that the basic guidance for radiation protection

will be reexamined.

Determine that the NAS will be requested to review the

scientific basis for the evaluation of risks associated with exposures
near the Radiation Protection Guides (RPG's).

Select target paragraph3