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Since 1965, in addition to the main FRC project concerned

with radiation protection for uranium miners, the FRC staff and
Working Group have kept developments under continuous review

to identify major deficiences in the existing guidance of the FRC or
to determine if a special FRC project might be needed.

A summary

of these activities is shown in attachment B for information of the
Council members.


More recently several citizens groups have attacked both

Government and industrial activities associated with radiation exposure
from the release of radionuclides to the environment.

Some have

attacked the entire foundation of the radiation protection standards
recommended by the FRC on the basis that they permit unduly hazardous

For example, some have concluded that continued exposure

of the population at the average level ''permitted'" by the FRC Radiation
Protection Guides (RPG) would result in up to 32,000 additional cancer

deaths per year.

In addition to the recommendation from the Secretary

of Health, Education, and Welfare, the replies from the Departments

of Labor and Commerce to Senator Muskie indicated it would be
appropriate for some organization such as the FRC to carefully examine

the underlying assumptions used by those making this assertion.

Select target paragraph3