cient surveys.

Support from the Kwaialein Missile Range and the site concrac-

tor, Global Associates, as well as from the crew of the M. VY. Carolina Islander,
M. V. Marshall Islander and R. V. Liktantr was greatly appreciated.
The outstanding cooperation of personnel from the Trust Territory of the

Pacific Islands and from the Office of the District Administrator of the
Marshall Islands, as well as that of the 3ikini people, played an important part °
in the successful completion of the survey.

CO 63

Cohn, S. H., Conard, R. A., Gusmann, E. A. and Robertson, J. S.,


"Use of a Portable Whole Body Counter to Measure Internal Contamina-

tion in a Fallout-Exposed Population", Health Physics 9, 15.
co 75

Conard, Robert, A.,, 1975, a Twenty-Year Review of Medical Find-

ings in a Marshallese Population Accidentally Exposed to Radioactive
Fallout, BNL 50424 (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York).
cO 77

Personal Communications with S$. Cohn, Medical Department Brookhaven National Laboratory.

GU 76

Gudiksen, P. H., Crites, T. R. and Robison, W. L.,

1976, External Dose

Estimates for Future 3ixini Atoll Inhabitants, UCRL-51879, Rev. 1
(Lawrence Livermore Press, Livermore, California).


Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), Publication 2, 1959, Report of Committee II on Permissi-

ble Dose for Internal Radiation, (Pergamon Press, New York).

Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), Publication 9, 1965, Report on Radiation Protection,

(Pergamon Press, New York).


Select target paragraph3