-53. The Operations Offices which have not submitted operational plans
for their areas were requested to do so, Aftér receipt and study of all plans
a meeting of representatives responsible in each area will be held for the


coordination of the program on a nationwide basis.
Interim Civil Defense Plans for Key Areas

The formal Washington, D. ¢. civil defense exervies formulated by the

National Security Resources Board amd the District Government jointly took

Place the week of June 5.

In a week-long series of meetings, a efitique was

developéd of the original plans written by the various D. C. departments and
their adaptation to the hypothetical atomic attack problem.

Representatives of the Civili Defense Liaison and Radiation Instruments

Branches and of the Public and Technical Information Diviaion were present at
several of the meetings,

At the recuest of NSRB for active participation in this program as it

continues, arrangements were made for ir. Harry L. Bowman, Civil Defense “Liaison

Branch and Or, L. i, Donaldson, Applied Fisheries Laboratory, University of
Washington, to attend the Seattle exercise starting the week of July 10.
Interdesartmental Committee on Hadiological Monitoring.

On June 21 an invitation was addressed to the General Manager to appoint

five AEC representatives to the NsRB Pnterdepartmental Committee on ladiological

Monitoring. Formal establishment of thia Committee is an outgrowth of a two-day
informal meeting called by the Civilian Mobilisation Office in April, attended

by persons with competence to advise on a nationwide radiological monitoring
program for civil defense.

Several members of the Division of Biclogy and

Medicine attended this oreliminary meeting together with persons from Denartment
of Defense, Public Heaith Service, iiati.nal Institute of Health and General

services Administration.

The Comittee will consider matters such as the numbers and tyres of

persons to receive second and third echelon training, organization of monitoring

services, instruments, their standardization and calibrution, maintenance and

repair and sermissible radiation doses.
Disaster Cbservation.,

iy, Bowman visited the site of the Jouth Amboy explosion to observe

resultant chysical damage.


It was learned that this disaster had occasioned no

little hysteria and the men of the communities (south Amboy and Perth

Amboy) reported to their city halls for duty. This is berne out by a report on
the psychological aspects of the disaster prepared by the Operations Research
Office of the Army. These communities are not average, however, in that they

have had previous disaster experience and are accustomed to having explosives
loaded at thelr docks. south Amboy had a disaster committee





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