Question }
Are there any components of your program which should be expanded, reduced, or

eliminated in FY 1984 so as to aid the MIG in a transition program?
The Radiological Safety Program should be expanded in FY 1984 and 1985 to include
periodic body-burden data collection and analyses for the Enewetak people at Ujelang.
Should the Bikini people return to Bikini Atoll, the program should be expanded to

evaluate these people annually. Assuming a whole-body counting unit is to be installed in
Majuro, the 1985-1986 budget would have to increase to include costs of construction,
installation, operation and calibration.

Expanding the laboratory program to train a

Marshallese Radiochemist and Health Physicist over a period of three years would aid in
the transition to MIG at some future time.

Dose reassessment should be expanded to

include persons who resided at Likiep Atoll. Additional urine bioassay collection should

be done for former Bikinians to define long-term retention of Pu.

Reducing or

eliminating any of the present elements of the Safety and Environmental Protection
Division's Programs would be counter to responsibilities cbligated in Public Laws 68-330,
78-598, 95-134 and 96-205.

Reduction or elimination of program components would

hinder the MIG in assuining its responsibility if required to do so by Agreement 177 of the
Compact of Free Association.

Question 2
What components of your program would you suggest the Marshall Islands Government

continue to carry out on its own? For how long? Why? Are there other organizations
(U.S. or foreign) which you know to have the capability to carry out elements of your


Select target paragraph3