
Few direct measurements were made at this time.


Fig. 6 for


Co and


The data plotted in


~"Fe were derived from Rongelap measurements.

Biological variation and errors in the collection and analysis of urine

samples introduced larger errors in body-burden estimates than did direct
whole-body counting.

These variations can be observed in Fig. 5 where 905, data

vary widely from the theoretical curve. In contrast, the


Cs data fit the

curve closely.

The method used to generate Figs. 5 and 6 was not chosen to minimize the
weighted sum of squares of deviations of the body-burden estimates and measurements from the fitting function (Eq. 2).

Instead average values of k and P°

were selected to represent all the body-burden data.

For Rongelap,

the 1376,

body burdens varied from the fitted function by a maximum factor of 1.7 and an
average factor of 1.4.3; the 905, body burdens varied from the fitted function by
a maximum factor of 3 and an average factor of 1.6.

These factors reflect the

quality of fit for directly measured body burdens and urine derived body burdens
in general.

The integral intake for 50 years and the committed effective dose equivalent were derived quantities which depended on knowledge of k and P° for each
population subgroup.

The 50 year interval chosen for integral intake

represented the years 1957 through 2007 for Rongelap residents.

For Utirik

residents, the fifty year interval represented the years 1954 through 2004.


committed effective dose equivalent was based on this cumulated intake and both
values can be found in Table 4.

an important result of using the fitting function (Eq. 2) was that 6525


Cs were the largest contributors to dose equivalent for each population.

Zn dose equivalent was greatest at Utirik because of a three month inter16

Select target paragraph3