For use of this form, see AR 340-15, the proponent agency is TAGCEN.



TO Chief,

J-2, JTG


Nuclear aadiation Monitoring of Medical Evacuation
Helicopter, Crew and Fatient

FROM 7otuue

Assistant J-2, JTG

PATE 20 October 1978 SMT!
CPT Myers/ohm/62208

1. At approximately 1530, this date, the rRST was notitied by J-2, JTG, of an ongoing
neliconter modical evacuation from the island cf Runit. The call was a query as to if
the patient, helicopter and crew should be treated as being contaminated upon their
arrival at Erewetek, The FRST NCCIC, SMS Sutton, contacted the FRST on Runit by radio
and ascertained that the patient was located at the crater and that the medevac helicopter would land at that site for patient rickeup, This word wes passed to Je2 andj
they began preparation to meet the patient, velicopter and crew to monitor them for
any radioactive: contamination,
Zo At approximately 1545, the 2Q SRST was notified by the FRST on Runit that the helicopter was fling toward Lojwa with the rationt on board. I monitored this radio
transmission and tegan to organize those FRST members who wera immediately available
to respond to the arrival of the helicopter, crew and catient, This being quickly
accomolisned, I went to meet the arriving helicopter at the Lojwa helicopter cad at
acproximately 1550,

3. 1 briefed the helicopter crew that they should shut down their aircraft and wait
with 1% until the FTRST had completed monitoring the natient for radioactive contamina

tion, so that they, in turn, could be monitored,

4e The patient was taken to the Lojwa Medics] Clinic where FRST member Dimambro collected the patient's soiled anti-contamination suit and boots that had been removed
from hir., SGT Dimambro monitored the patient and his clothing and determined that
neither he nor his clothing would reauire decontamination,
5 SGT Dimambro rroceeded to the helicopter where he monitored the crewnember's hands,
feet, faces, and clothing, None of the crewnembers required decontamination, SGT
Dimambro had each of the crewmembers provide nasal swires because the helicopter had
landed in a controlled area, without respiratory crotection, and certainly some dust
had been raised concurrent with the resuspension of radiomiclides potentiality, Those
swipes would be counted in the Enewetak Radiation Laboratory.



6, SGT Dimambro then assisted SUS Sutton and myself in swiping the helicopter and
reading the swipes to determine if the helicopter would require decontamination, The

rear cabin area (seats and floor), the oilot's stations (floor, pedestal, and dashboard top), and the skids of the helicopter were swiped. Those swipes were read with

field instruments and the results indicated that the helicopter was not contaminated.
Those field findings were confirmed by laboratory counting in the PMEL's NMC szas-flow
sroportional counters, The aircraft and crew were released for contimied duty, aftcr

field counting the swipes, at acproximateyy





Assistant Radiation Frotection Officer

| FEB 62


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