the advent of the UUI Four ATOI! Healtn Lare rrogram, run py vorm
Short and Associates

who will provide upgraded primary health care

to the exposed and other people, we plan now only one part time
Marshallese person at Ebeye to be a medical liaison between John Short
and BNL, particularly to ensure medications are available and taken, for
medical referrals outside the Marshalls, and to keep records current.

Environmental (LLNL) - Livermore's main mission has been to sampte the
environment throughout the northern Marshalls and formulate dose assessments based on expected diets and lifestyles of the people-living there or
who might be relocated back.

In 1985

DOI (BARC) and DOE (LLNL) joined forces to accelerate the

experiments designed by either reducing the inventory of radionuclides
or blocking them from entering the food chain, ultimately to reduce
dose thus to provide more options for the resettlement of Bikini Atoll.
The results will obviously affect other areas, notably Enjebi and
several other agriculture islands

in the northern part of Enewetak.

Bioassay (BNL) - Through 1986 we have monitored the Rongelap, selected
Bikinians, and the resettled Enewetak populations to ensure that they
were within the Federal Radiation Guidelines.

Now we are winding up

a sophisticated plutonium analysis and really contemplate further WBC

missions only in conjunction with possible resettlement of Bikini.

To maintain the five employees at BNL, to provide Pu analysis and one
mission a year costs about $500K.

This appears to be a service that

RMI might request and fund down the line.


Select target paragraph3