
Connect the output of the telepuise information unit
to a scaler.


Place 0.20 volt on the input of the bridge (This should
drive the recorder to 0.20 ma), and adjust R=38 until the

scaler indicates an average count of 23 cps.


Increase the bridge input voltage to 0.80 volts. (the
recorder should indicate at 0.80 ma), and adjust R-36
until the scaler indicates an average count of 77 cpa.

Since the voltage drops across R=36 or R-38 are interdependent, steps 3 and 4 must be repeated until the
scaler finally indicates the proper count for each of
the input voltages after all adjustments are completed.
A linearity check is then made by introducing signals
from rero to one volt on the bridge circuit.

The scaler

sount for sero input shouid be approximatsly five ops,
and for one volt input 95 ops.

For intermediate points

the proper count can be determined by:

€ 2907, -5
where C = sounts per second
¥, 2 1mput to bridge in voits.
If there 13 a calibrated Talspuise Recsiving Station available,
an alternate method of salibrating the ccding station ise

Connect the telepulse coding station direstiy to the calibrated
telepulse receiving station.

A viitags is placed om the input of the

bridge which drives ths recorder to 0.20 ma.

3-38 of the comparator

unit is adjusted unti: the receiving station recorder reads 0.20 mao.

Select target paragraph3