
General Description
In the Telepulse Coding Unit, (Figure. 12) the ground level

radiation intensity from the detector is measured by vacuum tube
voltmeter bridge which drives a strip chart recorder and is also
converted to a periodic, time-modulated, constant-amplitude pulsetrain for radio transmission.

This type of signal is suitable for

transmission by both telephone lines and radio.

The instrument is

powered by 115 volts at 60 cyoles.
An auxiliary unit, the Junction Box, contains a control to permit
either voice communication or telemetering over the plane radio

Circuit Description

The Unit is divided into four subsections:
3) Comparator, and 4) Power Supply.

1) Bridge, 2) Converter,

The circuit diagram is shown in

Figure 13.

In the bridge section, the ground level radiation signal from the

detector is emplified by a balanced D.C. amplifier, V-1 (a one volt
full soale sensitivity).

It drives a strip chart recorder (Esterline-

Angus Model AW) end the meter on the control box of the "Top Hat"
airborne detector,

The radiation intensity corresponding to the

current indicated it can be obtained from the calibration curves
given in Figure 5 or three decade chart paper (Esterline Angus type
1273) may be used and the intensity read off directly.

= 27 =

The voltage

Select target paragraph3