This arrangement eliminates switching of dynodes in the high impedance
grid circuit.

Voltage regulator tubes, V-3 and V-4+ are selected,

and the gain controls R-9 and R-19 adjusted, so that the gains of
the individual photomultiplier tubes are matched into the single
amplifier circuit.

Ligtt excited in the phosphor by gamma radiation illuminates
the photocathode of the photomuitiplier tube which produces electrons

that are multiplied by secondary emission of electrons from the dynodes.
The electron current pulses appearing on dynode 10 are integrated
by capacitor C-2 and averaged by tke effective grid to cathode
resistance of the amplifier tubes.

The value of this RC product is

kept small to keep the time constant of the instrument fast,


amplifier consists of two Raytheon CK-533AX tubes, which are
connected in parallel to secure the power output necessary to drive a


When these tubes are driven from a high-impedance

current source, as provided by the dynode of a photomultipiier

tube, the plate current is a logarithmic fimction of the input grid

Individual tubes are selected for this characteristic.

Since the electrical characteristics of photomultiplier *tubes
differ, individual bias adjustments are required.

inserted under the grid resistor, R-25.

This bias is

Because of the 107 ohm

value of R-25, the grid sees a constant current bias.

The slope

of the logarithmic characteristic (at the high end of the scale)
is set by the gain controls,

this slope at the low end.

The bias controis are used to match

Over a 4-1/2 decade range the plate current

change is 180 microampers per decade of radiation.


This current is

Select target paragraph3