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Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only
It is recommended that:


The term "Radioactivity Concentration Guide" be adopted for
Federal use,


This term is defined as the concentration of r

activity in the environment which is determined to result in


body or organ doses equal to the Radiation Protection Guide.

Within this definition, Radioactivity Concentration Guides c


determined after the Radiation Protection Guides are decided upon.
Any given Radioactivity Concentration Guide is applicable only for "T
circumstances under which the use of its corresponding Radiation
Protection Guide is appropriate.
itis recommended that:

The Federal agencies, as an interim measure, use radioacti) rity
concentration guides which are consistent with the recommentied
Radiation Protection Guides.

Where no Radiation Protection

Guides are provided, Federal agencies continue present prac

riC EB.

No specific numerical recommendations for Radioactivity Co.
centration Guides are provided at this time.

However, concentratio

guides now used by the agencies appear appropriate on an interim ba is,

Where appropriate radioactivity concentration guides are not availab


and where Radiation Protection Guides for specific organs are provic ed

herein, the latter Guides can be used by the Federal agencies as a
starting point for the derivation of radioactivity concentration guides
applicable to their particular problems.

The Federal Radiation Cou cil

has also initiated action directed towards the development of additionpl
Guides for radiation protection.

For Consideration

Select target paragraph3