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Location of Control Points

Reproduced from the -holdings of the National Archives
Pacific Southwest Region

To meet the requirements of the present project, a horizontal net has been
established consisting of fifteen stations, including five stations of the

Joint Task Force Seven Survey.

Two of these five were original stations of the

U.S.S. Bowditch Survey, and an additional station of that survey on Eniwetok

+ is also included.

Stations are located so that all project islands are tied in

directly to the scheme or can be tied in by local triangulation.

A new station

in the lagoon off the south end of Runit Island was established to strengthen
the base expansion quadrangle.
Where practical, stations have been given the name of the island on which

they are located.

This was done to simplify reference to these stations.


of the 0.5.5. Bowditch anc Joint Task Force Seven stations have been renamed
and reference to this is made in the station recovery notes.

The stations of

the survey and location are as follows:
BOGA -------~ Bogallua Island

Teiteir ----- Teiteiripucchi Island

Engebi ------ Engebi Island

Bokon ----=<-- Bokonearappu Island
Aomon <-----~+ Aomon Island
Piliraai ----- Piiraai Island
North Base -- Runit Island

Runit ------Coral ------Pinnacle <---Photo -<-----~

Runit Island
In lagoon
In lagoon
Photo tower in lagoon

Islet ~-----~ First sard island south of Runit

Sand -------- Third sand islend south of Runit

Aniyaanii --- Aniyaanii Island

Parry ------- Parry Island
Eniwetok ---- Eniwetok Island

The islands of Muzinbeariklkw, Kirinian and Asreaubiru will be tied in by

local triangulation.

Jartan is not included in present control requirements

but car be tied in by the same method if desired,

Select target paragraph3