


Jeb NG@ Ege

Travel after dark in the lagoon was considered dangerous and the personnel were
distributed before dark and picked up after sunrise in the morning.

Pacific Southwest Region

Reprodwced from the ‘holdings of the National Archives

Observing procedure consisted of adjusting the intensity of the station lights
to the minimum which could be observed thereby obtaining a small targer considering the distance involved.

This was done as early in the evening as sufficient

darkness ras obtained ard from one to three sets of six positions each were observed.

Due to weather it was sometimes only possible to complete one satisfactory set in an

From two to five hours were spent in observing.

When results obtained

were within the specifications of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey no attempt was
made to obtain further refinement.
The strength of figures obtained for the net was an RI of 74.4 with a maximum
of 130 allowed.
A maximum triangle closure of 2.5 seconds and an average closure of 1.3 seconds
was obtained with the maximum of 8 secomis for one triangle and 3 seconds for the
average closure allowed by specifications.
The RUNIT BASE LIKE is a broken base consisting of four sections connecting

the two stations, North Base and Runit.
of the island.

This was necessary due to the configuration

Traverse Station Runit of the Joint Task Ferce Seven Survey is an

angle point in this traverse and was also included in the former traverse,
Standard procedure of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for second order base

line measurement was used.

Angles were measured with the Wild T-2 theodolite and

the measurement was made with three Lovar tapes using thermometers and stretcher
apparatus of an approved type.

The calibration certificates of these tapes are in-

cluded in the record of the survey.
Stakes were set at fifty meter intervals for chaining points and the tapes were

alternated so that in completing the forward and backward measurement all three
tapes were used in each direction,
Due to the velocity of the wind at this period of the year it was necessary to
use a wind break in order to obtain aceurate results,

This consisted of a thirty


Select target paragraph3