that the
hypothesis of investigating late radiation effects. The people desire
“we do not
doctors simply do not say "There is no danger" but rather admit

tion and
know completely" and design a program of continuing medical observa
examination of all the people.

When discussions have arisen concerming the need to expand the
program to allow examination of all people at Utirik, children at both Rongela
and Utirik and the people living at Bikini, officials argue that
5-S2 was being
are not available. In 1974 when
be examined
discussed, the program director argued that children should
simply did not allow
not only because there was no need but also that time
survey can be away
for it. It is stated that the experts who comeon the March
from their normal medical practices.for only a short time and that this is a

major limiting factor for the time that team can spent on each island. -However,

others as well as the people themselves do not feel that lack of time isa
sufficient reason not to give adequate health care. The people have interprated,
furthermore, the lack of time issue as a lack of interest and a distrust for
the program. To the Marshallese time is never a factor to consider if someone
truly wants to be with someone else ~ not only for friendship but for health
matters as well.




Philosophy of Program 1975-76
The medical survey program since June 1975 has shifted its emphasis.
Rather than sonvaying the messege: cl iesea:ch, it has tried to develop aiong

the lines of a general health care and maintenance program, The new direction
given to the program during this time was accomplished without added
expense, with improvement in health care, and still maintaining the research
data collection. People at all three islands have noted the change and
responded favorably and enthusiastically. People now felt that they wanted
to come to see me and not that they were being forced te do so. Their concem
about better total care has been appreciated and responded the resident
physician. At Utirik people have stated that it was the first time a doctor
from AEC has come interested in seeing everyone on the island on an
equal basis, whether exposed or unexposed.

As the resident physician for the program during this time, I shared

the people's needs for health care rather than research. My specialty training
and interests are in'the fields of family and community medicine. It is easy

for me to perccive the human Side of medicine focusing on human feelings and

social needs than on the colder nature of research. As the physician surveying
the health of the people on cach island, I recognized the needs and expanded
the program to include regular vaccination programs, family planning, and

contraception clinics, venereal disease clinics, well baby clinics, pre natal
care, general medical and minor surgery clinics. I was told on several occasions
that supplies for such clinics, particularly vaccine, birth control pills, pre
Natal vitamins, oral hypoglycemics, should come from the Trust Territory and
not from Brookhaven. Brookhaven did provide limited supplies but felt any

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