In the course of ncpowlecing tne return of Bniwetok, it is desirable

no-cost, joint-use rights for sircraft operations be agreed to.
no-cost use rights should be retained which will permit some limited
where facilities already are in place) and non-nuclear weavons test
mutually agreed uninhetited sites.
It is hoped the unexvect

and the CY LOTe 2
tiating asset


ease by DOD of some Eniwetok isle

ven will prove a beneficial n
ith the Micronesians

Aware of the negotiating benefits to be derived from prover timing re
the subject; this office will avait your suggestions before initiatin
action in the way of peauesting surveys to be conducted pertaining to
habilitation in the area.

Copy to:

signed) G. Warren Nutter


Select target paragraph3