
Future Instrumentation and Facilities For The Eniwetok Atoll


The following is a brief summary of the instrumentation and

facilities which are programmed for the Eniwetok Atoll in the NhD

Range Package Plan (RPP).

FY-66 Instrumentation
The instrumentation which is programmed in NRD RPP for the

Eniwetok Atoll in FY-66 are the installation of the Meteorological
Sounding Rocket Facility and the conversion of the GMD-1B to a GMD-i,

as discussed in paragraph 6.2.

In addition, the Shallow Water Impact

Location System is programmed for FY 66.

¥FY-67 Instrumentation
The instrumentation which is programmed in the NRD RPP for the

Eniwetok Atoll in FY-67 are the procurement of a Multiple Target
Conversion Radar and an Ionospheric Sounder.

The Multiple Target

Conversion Radar would have provided a limited multiple tracking


However, it appears that the Re-entry System Evaluation

Radar (RESER) may be installed at Eniwetok and will fulfill this

Therefore, the Multiple Target Conversion Radar will

not be required if the RESER is installed at Eniwetok.


FY 68 Instrumentation
The instrumentation which is programmed in the NRU XPP for the

Eniwetok Atoll in FY-68 is the procurement of an Opto-Radiometer

This system will be used to obtain opto-radiometric re-

entry data on R/V's impacting in the Eniwetok area.

FY-69 Instrumentation
The instrumentation which is programmed in the NRD RPP for the


Select target paragraph3