
The Advanced Minuteman Program, based on the Planning Estimate of

30 March 1965, requires at Eniwetok;
Metric Tracking,

R/V Telemetry,
Impact Location,

R/V Recovery, and
Meteorological Support.
The above terminal requirements are given in Appendix A.

The BSD Minuteman LGM-30F Program is scheduled to impact in the Eniwetok

area and possibly the Kwajalein area.

Under this program, the BSD Minuteman

LGM-30F/Mark 12 series will require recovery at Eniwetok and/or Kwajalein.
The Mark 12 series, based on the Program Requirements Document (PRD) 6102

of 15 March 1965, with revisions 01 and 02, requires at the impact area;
Metric Tracking,

R/V Telemetry,
Engineering Sequential Data,
Radar Cross-Section,
Radiant Energy Observables,
Impact Location

R/V Recovery, and
Meteorological Support
The above terminal requirements are given in Appendix B.

The BSD Minuteman LOM-30F/Mark 12 is scheduled to be completed
approximately 9 to 12 months prior to the scheduled start of the Advanced

Minuteman Program.

It is assumed that the Advanced Minuteman Program will be a follow-on

of the BSD Minuteman LGM-30F PRD.

The Mark 12 R/V was originally part of

the Advanced Minuteman PE and is now incorporated in the BSD Minuteman

Select target paragraph3