
Another problem area is that there is not, at the present time, a

usable deep water pier in the Eniwetok Atoll.

The supplies must be

transported to Eniwetok by barges, lighters or similar small crafts
from an anchorage in the lagoon.

This would present some difficulties

in the case of loading and off-loading some of the proposed instrumentation.

Presently, there is a deep water pier on Parry Island which is

in need of repair.

The cost of repairing is estimated at $200,000 and

it is proposed that this pier be repaired to facilitate the installation
and support of the installation complex on Parry Island.

It would be necessary to implement a regularly scheduled water taxi

service between Eniwetok and Parry Islands in order to provide the necessary support for the technical and base support personne!.

The trip

would take approximately 10 minutes.

A possible problem area from time to time is that on each MATS

flight there are 11 seats available for all persons going to and
from Eniwetok Atoll,

The problem areas discussed in paragraphs 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5

must be resolved prior to the installation of the instrumentation complex.

Select target paragraph3