

their descendants. This program would include health care, periodic
comprehensive survey and analysis of the radiological status of the
aforementioned atolls and periodic development of an updated radia-

tion dose assessment, together with an estimate of risks associated
with the predicted human exposure, for each of these atolls.

H.R. 3756, has been approved by the House of Representatives, and
now is under consideration by the Senate. Enactment of this or
similar legislation would provide for health care. Environmental

monitoring by the U.S. Government should provide safeguards to prevent
the people from exposure to excessive doses of radiation.

The specifics of _a supplemental feeding program, if required, until
the people of Enewetak are agriculturally self-sufficient
GAO contends that until the agricultural system provides enough
food for the people of Enewetak when they return to their home atoll,

the United States may need to initiate a supplemental feeding program
to fill the void. The possible extent of the feeding program at this
+ime is uncertain; however, the particulars of the program, including
the criteria for starting and ending it, could be resolved.

The Trust Territory Government and the Department of the Interior
~7e exploring this matter with the people of Enewetak and their legal
counsel. The Department of the Interior, on behalf of the Government
of the Trust Territory, will attempt to work out satisfactory arrangements for a supplemental feeding program, should this prove to be


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ine Secretary of the Interior should initiate an independent technical
assessment of the Enewetak Cleanup project

The draft GAO report recommended that the Secretary should initiate
independent laboratory quality control checks of the soil samples taken
from Enewetak in order to assess the radiological cleanup criteria used

by Defense (DNA) to meet the project goals and also to have an
independent assessment for the post-cleanup radiation hazards.

In its comments on the draft report, the Department noted that to
carry out certain of these assessments, i.e., to contract for independ-

ent quality control checks of soil samples, the Secretary essentially

would have ta: look at the same research institutions currently used by
other Government agencies, notably the Department of Energy.


radiological cleanup criteria also appear to have been set by the
Environmental Protection Agency. Further, in his preliminary comments,

the Secretary noted that the Department of Energy has established an
advisory committee, composed of leading scientists in the radiation
field, which reviews all the research analyses and recommendations.

Accordingly, it was originally the view of the Department of the
Interior that adequate radiological assessment was being carried out on |
the Enewetak Cleanup program.

Select target paragraph3