The Honorable Edward E,. Johnston °


August 26,


at regulag intervals are necessary not only to follow the course of thyroid
abnormalities but to detect other effects should they develop.
I have been
most grateful for the splendid support of personnel of the Trust Territory
and the Department of Interior in carrying out these surveys. Doctors
William Peck, Al Hicking, John Iaman, Isaac Lanwi, and Dwight Heine, former
DISTAD of the Marshalls will be glad I am sure to fill you in on any other
further details about the survey.
In the past year or so one and possibly more influential Marshallese

have accused us of using the Marshallese people as "guinea pigs''. These
accusations are of course untrue and it is beyond my comprehension how these
people could misconstrue the importance of these examinations which are of such
benefit to the Rongelap people.

At one time, some years ago,

the Rongelap

people were skeptical about the need for the exams but in recent years they
have been much more understanding and most cooperative and friendly, welcoming
us cordially to the island each year.
I would like to also bring up the subject of the added responsibility

assigned us in regard to checking the Bikini people on their return.


a member of the Ad Hoc Committee recommending their return I would like

to point out that the intent of these examinations was purely precautionary
(along with other measures).
We frankly do not expect any significant

level of internal radiation to accumulate in these people, and the examinations
were felt necessary merely to serve as a check. When I visited Kili last year
I tried to explain to the Bikini people (perhaps unsuccessfully) several points
in regard to the examinations: First, that Bikini was entirely safe for
their return, and secondly, that the purpose of the examinations was just to
serve as a safety check; that they would not be subjected to medical examinations,
only collection of urine samples and the examinations would consist only of
lying under a radiation detection device for a period of about 15 minutes; that
no blood test or usual medical examinations would be done.
If, as Mr. William
Bonnet, AEC representative in Honolulu, pointed out to me, the Bikini people

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were unreasonable in their rental demands, I suggested to him that we delay
this problem since I understand it may be several years before any substantial
numbers of Bikini people are living on the island. We might even consider
using the dispensary or setting up a tent for the examinations since only
two or three days are required every year or so to carry them out.
Your continued cooperation in carrying out these surveys will be greatly
appreciated. I hope that I will have an opportunity before the survey in
March to visit Saipan and discuss the surveys with you.


Mrs. E.P. Farrington
Dr. John Totter
Dr. William Peck

Mr. William Bonnet “

Dr. V.P. Bond
Dr. E.P. Cronkite

Robert A. Conard, M.D.

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