An level ¥

eviously -

crabs has not become
The Sr content of coconut
over the years to allow lifting of

sufficiently lower
the ban on eating them.
Since we have been assigned the resp

of monitoring the body burdens of
rn to

1€ Mean &¥

y retu
materials in the Bikini people when the

Zn level ¥

mical urine
their home island from Kili, radioche

ivity re. F

analyses were done on 14 Bikini people in 1969
9Sr were
As expected, the levels of 137Cs and

quite low. In view ofthe radiological decontami
nation being done on Bikini in
their return, no significant increase in body bur-

dens of the

Be en

leislikelyto occur.


ly Inh6ritedCharacteristics;

jodGrouping Studies

1Ci level about 5
feA large body of data has been collected from
Sgenetic studies on the Marshallese people. The recmissible
sults not only are of great anthropologicalinterest
but also may showin time somepossible genetic
id resid-

ects of radiation exposurein future generations.
F Si Blood grouping studies show that the Marshallese
havea relatively high B gene frequency, a high N
gene frequency, an extremely high R! genefrequency, and total absence of Kell and Diego
factors. These characteristics differ from those of
Polynesians and suggest a relationship of the
Marshallese people with Southeast Asians and
Indonesians. Haptogiobin studies showeda frequencyof the Hp! gene higher than in European
populations thus far tested and consistent with
that of populations living near the equator. The
distribution of haptoglobin types showed the populationto be relatively homogeneous.®! Transferrins
in all sera were type CC, the common European
type.61 @-Aminoisobutyric acid urinary levels
showed the Marshallese to be the highest excreters

8,a peak §
2 Marrow,



960’s the

of this acid of any population thusfar reported.62.63

h the en-

vurden in
| be con-

ire, since

ody bur-

aps living
‘cted dur3 of 137Cs
It is spec-

wn items.


Levels in the exposed group were about the same
as in the unexposed group, and nocorrelation was
found with body burdenlevel of radionuclides;
this indicates that there is probably no correlation
with radiation exposure. Hemoglobin types were considered normal (all had type AAg). Sickling tests
showed nosickling tendencyin anyof the people.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of the red cells appeared to be normal in the Marshallese. Studies of
Gm phenotypes showed the Marshallese to have
100% Gm®+)and nearly 100% Gm+). There was
a complete absence of Gm* and a high frequency


of Gm-like (Gm‘).& Serum studies for the Ag system reveal that the Rongelapese compared with
other world populations have a high frequencyof
C.deB. antiserum reactors and a low frequency of
New York antiserum reactors.£5 Considerable
caution must be exercised in evaluating theresults
of these studies on genetically inherited characteristics because of the small number of samples
tested. The data do seem to indicate relative
homogeneity of the population andclosest kinship
with people of Southeast Asia. These data also
may be useful as a base line, should genetic changes
appear in later generations, possibly related to
radiation exposure.


Other Laboratory Studies

Serum protein levels were generally on the high
side of normal; electrophoretic patterns showed
the increase in proteins to be due largely to an increase in the gammaglobulin fraction (see Aging
Studies). The reason for this is not apparent. Numerouschronic infections may be an explanation.
Sodium levels in the urine and food indicated
. about the same consumption of NaCl as in Americans. The generally lower incidence of hypertension in the Marshallese might be related to the
fact that the former native diet was probably lower
in salt content than the present more Westernized
diet.®6 It will be interesting to see whether the incidence of hypertension will later increase.

Serum cholesterol levels (1957, 1959) were some-

what lower in the exposed population than in the
comparison or Utirik populations but werein the
low normal range. No abnormally high or low
readings were noted.
Serum creatinine levels (1957) were in the normal
range with no abnormallevels noted.
Serum vitamin By2 concentrations (1958, 1959)

were generally significantly higher than American
levels. The possibility of contamination of the
samples with bacteria producing vitamin B,2 must
be considered, since myeloproliferative and liver
diseases were not seen.
Folic actd levels were found to be somewhat low
in the Rongelap population and probablyreflected
low dietary folic acid.
Glucosuria and elevated blood sugar were found ina
number of Rongelap people. A relatively high
incidence of diabetes is prevalent in the Marshallese people.
A survey for intestinal parasites (1958) showed
75% of the people to be infected with various

Select target paragraph3