cantly in older people. Alpha andbeta
gh the
levels tended to show some increase
correlation with age was notsignifican
levels tended to decrease slightly in
Pronounced differences in serum prot
were noted in the exposed populati
men levels were significantly higher and the glob
ulin levels significantly lower than
posed group. Alpha1, alpha 2, and gammaglobulins showed the most pronounced depression in the
exposed group (Table 16). Serum proteins, par-

eMa Re bretonIS ie


ticularly gamma globulins, showed greatest defi-


cits in the older exposed age groups.
The results of the immunodiffusion studies are
shown in Table 16 and in Figure 37. Parallel to
the increase in serum gammaglobulin levels, the
immunoglobulins showed increasing values in the
older age groups of the unexposed people. The increase in IgG moiety was most pronounced and
showed significant correlation with age (7 =0.78).
The increase in the other immunoglobulins did
not show a high correlation with age. The increase
in the K light chains was highly correlated with
age (r =0.96). Higher K/L ratios were noted in
the older people though there was nosignificant
correlation with age (r=0.41). In the exposed population all the immunoglobulins were depressed
below levels of the unexposed group, the most
pronounced depression being in the IgG and IgA
moieties andin the L light chains.

Thoughthe role of immune mechanismsin the
aging process has never been clearly defined, it is
generally agreed that such mechanisms are impaired in senescence. Ram48 pointed out that
“. ++ it is well established that the capacity for immune responses increases during neonatal and
Juvenile life to a maximum in the young adult
animal, it remains constant for a time and then

gradually decreases as the animalages.” Theresults of the present studies in the Marshallese

people seem generally to support this thesis.

In connection with the results of these studies,
it should be pointed out that the Marshallese
people understudy are notstrictly comparable
with a population in the United States because
of certain environmental andracial differences.


lesions, and intestinal parasites. Therefore it is not
surprising that they have elevated gammaglobulin
levels. The A/G ratio is reduced or reversed in
most of the people. The serum protein levels are
generally elevated, which may in part be related
to dehydration associated with a tropical environment where dependence for wateris on rainfall
which is scant at certain seasons. The specific

gravity of the urine is frequently high, and reduced red cell and blood volume havebeen found.
In spite of these factors the present studies should
provide valid comparisons of the exposed and unexposed Marshallese populations, since both groups
are generally exposed to the same environmental
factors, and studies of genetically inherited characteristics show them to be a relative homogenous
These studies are believed to test the immunological status of the individuals to some degree,
although interpretation of someof the resultsis
not readily apparent. The results of the various
tests for the unexposed population are discussed
below in termsof correlation with aging. The differences in the results for the exposed population
are then discussed with regard to radiation-induced
In the unexposed comparison populationit is
obvious from the various graphsthat, even in the
tests showing changes more closely correlated with
aging, the changes are maximum bythe middle
years (usually in the 40 to 50 age group) with little or
no increase, or in some cases even slight reduction,
after middle age. The reasonforthis is not apparent.
The response of lymphocytes to PHA stimulation in peripheral blood cultures was tested be-

cause of the active role of the lymphocyte in
maintaining immunologicalintegrity. PHAis generally believed to evoke a nonspecific blastogenic
response in such cultures, since many more lymphocytes are transformed andproliferate with this
agent than with specific antigens (such as tuberculin, tetanus, thyroid, pertussis, etc.). It is con-

troversial whether or not PHAin this situation in-

duces antibody formation. The exact mechanism

As is generally true throughout Micronesia, even

of action of the mitogen is unknown. Conard and
Demoise,*? using autoradiographic and subcellular fractionation techniques, showed thata triti_ated PHA waslocalized largely in the cytoplasm
of transformed lymphocytes, with the greatest

people are in, to frequent infections such as
gastroenteritis, upper respiratory infections, skin

suggested that such organelles may be involved in
initiation of lymphocyte transformation.

though livirt\¥g:andards have been improving, the



concentration in the mitochondrialfraction, which

Select target paragraph3