$17 E. T. LESSARDet al. Table 1. Average radionuclide purden and ume since rehabutanon for Ronegelap adults RRM OU, - ia, .p adults. Time Post Rehabitarion Davs (A 9.3x107- iA} 7 30 1370 2833 1961 1965 52 1.9x103 2.3x104 t.6x104 2.3x104 3.5x30- acB, i 3c 32 3 LC 6.4x107 Laxic 169x204 3.ixite iC g ie a7 22 cc, 1. Bxj04 ;.5x104 2.ixio4 3,4x10/ (c 26 42 59 3 5 244 304 639 1370 195? 1958 1958 1959 196} 2 Fe 1.6x104 26 1. 5xi04 cn i.5x]0" 60 4626 1970 90s, 7.0x10° i. 7xi0! (Aj i 5.2x100 beix id! (A) . 6.3x108 t.4xi¢] (A) 15 0 304 1957 1958 eA ie Mae et te | re ao &.ixtol 1S 2.4x102 Li 12 2.0x10¢ 1.6x102 7 12 2.1x102 1.3x102 9 1.5102 1} b.ixloe 5 &.7xic i i 11 8 9,.6x1i01 3.2x102 i.3x102 2.5x10° 3.7x10! 4 ve 2b 25 5.2x10° 2.9104 2.9%204 2.5x10- 1.9104 13 1} 13 12x90 7 (a) ar 38 ‘ a 2x10" 2 3x1 02 2.ixid? 8.5x10) iC, 2.8x10! ? 40 13 2 1.3x102 i 5022 1971 5753 4i'g 7574 8057 1973 1974 1978 i979 9 1957 539 1959 9.5x101 20 12 CA: 1.5xio% ag 2.1x104 96 6.4xi01 4.1x10! 3 3 3,8x10(Ci 1964 1967 1927 4292 &.1x102 2.7x104 5: 2100 4657 5388 304 1963 196B 1969 1970 1972 1953 18 30 2.5x104 2.5x104 1.4x104 3.3x103 6.3x103 6.7x107 7 a9 46 51 1470 2831 6118 7213 196} 1965 1974 1977 8 (C3 3.2x102 (Cc) il (Cc) 5753 7030 1973 1976 3? 66 gos? 88:3 1979 198: URINE (4tl 4 fi 5.5x167.0xi07 2466 4561 22 26 (a: v 45 2h 21 1961 1962 1.3x102 1.5x102 18 26 3.1107 1.7x104 1.8x104 1.1x104 7.0x103 1959 1696 25 (Cc 1g 13 639 1370 1957 1.9x102 13 16 (c ay 37 ba 22 30 19 36 5.:x10! 2.5x102 1.5x102 (Co: 3.3x10! Loxton 7 u 3.5x104 3.5x104% 1.8x104 i. lx104 6.7x103 6.7x102 239 py 16 1.8x10+ 1.5x102 1.6x102 1.4x102 137¢e 2.9x15) 12 5.5x101 3. 3xi0B.1xl0- 3 2. 1x102 2.1x%102 7.7x101 u as 24 9 3.0x102 2.¢x10Peaxi te 0 Year 6. 3x107- 37 ws 6.3x10! peed Adults (>15a* Body Number Burden of Be individuals (ar 3.7x10+ 9.3x104 4.7x101 frvily £aelhE TION RATE Aduic Females (>I5a_ Body Number Burden of Be Individuals 1.1x108 BOTs fe 1 a ~t Ww 1 Adult Males (>15a Body Number Burden of Bq individua is A = Mamber of individuals not recorded. B = Measured at Argonne National Laboratory. C = No females measured. 30 ale for vigtnteefa~j 4. methods used to derive “Fe body burdens from blood measurements were given in Be72. The most recent whole-body counting data available (1981) are presented in Table 3. Anal- ysis of the data indicated that °’Cs adult average body burdens at Rongelap and Utink were from 40 to 90 times greater than those of a comparison population at Majuro, a southern atoll which received little fallout from testing (Le80c). The “K levels and corresponding potassium content were in close agreement with naturally-occurring values developed from data in ICRP Publication 23 (ICRP74). Due to the paucity of early activity mea- surements in Utirik residents (see Table 2), their ©Co, ™°Pu and “Fe body burdens were estimated by comparing nuclide ratios for Utirik and Rongelap residents. The measured body