10n the represent instantaneous values rather than incremental values. This was because the sampling periods for whole-body counting and unne colJection were very short relative to the intake period. Addiuonalls. one |. of 24-hr unne sampies (which ever was less) were collected. This reduced the influence. of mological vanuauon of aCUVIS concentrauor between morning anc evening voids. Since urine-activity concentrauion data were usec in vjuauon (1), urine excreuon rales which were dependent on sen were adopted tram data in JCRP Publication 23> (CRP74;. Values for the quanttues not measured directly and used in equations (1) and i2) wer taken from the Interature (ICRPS9: ICRPS6s. ICRP69: ICRP74, ICRP79, Ki78). Coban was igle complexed compound. therefore /, was se. at 0.3 (ICRP79). The value off. for “Pu was taken as "ive sed “ate “TEV vf k ult inOr uywas ate Jue v1ty ifn. dV of ary asi- Zon om ae ee apm te reeks nee ee the assumed to be in the form of an organially the International Commission on Radiologicai single uptake whole-body retention functions pads mass differences to vield commuttec effecuve dose equivalent per unit activity ingested bx a Marshallese aduit. Co: 05e— #4 0307 fo 7100" Cg: 0.1 eo 3 «10° ey 0.9e-83* 1G~“t. 67 n- 0.24073 OL OTe mE. Sr: 0.73 e723 * or 4 GIG e 237 eo HOP eTa Q peck ees, +0 17 e725 xin": Fe 1.0e735*"*. and 239Py- ons, re, was based on use of both equanons (1) and (7) The average dietary removal rate constant. &. was first determined using equation {]} and sequential ufine-acuvity concentration data. Once the average & was determined. equations (li) and (2) were set equai to each other and the body burden was calculated for each unne measurement. Alter the bods burden was determined. dn estimate of P was made using equation (1) and the average value tor &. In this way am average value for P wa: obtamed trom all the urme Sata. To obiain the S0-yr cumuidtec intake. equation (2) was solved for g and the nghthand side aT ihe eg uauion was integrated over an ingestion imterva. of SO yr. Total intakes were related to comm ied effecuve dose equivalents bx using conversion factors “committed effective dose equivalent per uml aclivity ingested” given by Protection (ICRP79). The committed effecuve dose equivalent per unit activity ingested giver: given below for adults were based on ICRP models and were not corrected for radioactive decay. These functions. which were used for making an estimate of aduli intake. were: en. the erla Cs, on- rs ie 10-* (ICRP79). The longest term rate constant for Cs was found to be a function of body mass. The vaiue of this rate constant was adjusted for a 60kg body mass according to formulas given by Miltenberger (Mi&1). The om val ay E. T. LESSARD er ui 0.45 7 b9* 1 4 45 en 48x 10% by ICRP was multiphed by 1.17 te correct for Statistical analysts of data The aduh average standarc deviation far "Cs. Zn or “Sr atom ingestion rate on the day of return. P . and the dietary removal rate constant. k. were determined from a set of calculated values derived from a set of adul: body-burden measurements and equation (7: The standard deviation for the adult average 50-yr cumulated intake was determined by propagation of error techniques involving firs: and second order partial derivatives and partia! cross derivatives (Be69). To estimate the error. partial cross derivatives and partial derivatives were determined for k and P° with respect to the 50-yr cumulative intake. was heir Was ides where ¢ was in days. An average 60-kg adult Since only one measurementfor adult average *Fe body burden was available, the relative standard deviation of the adult average P* was 3per weights in the study populations (Con56; Co58; Co59; Co60; Co62; C063; Co67; Co70; Co75: of individual adult P°’s which were determined from the 1970 individual adult “Fe body bur- dens. Only two values for the set of adult Anestimate of body burden for “Pu and ”Sr able and therefore the same method was em- +0.) e793! ugh aeee sty body mass was chosen based on the values observed for male and female adult body Le80b). assumed to equal the relative standard deviation average "Co and *’Pu body burdens were avail-