of Bikini are at sc radioleg.cal risk as aio
consumption of subsistence and gardencrops

to me

rather naive

to expect

from Bikini.

about their way of life,

Even if the

from the little I learned

they will still cross to Bikini to

harvest the available food.

If the remainder of the



resettled there as well,

support them,


them not to consume

subsistence crops growing on theix doorstep.
present islanders are moved to Eneu,

oult of their





that Eneu can

exacerbating the problem.
to the economic base’ for Bikini

and Eneu


the consensus was that the copra meal would not be acceptakle

“on the open market (e.g., Jepan) because of the '3’cs content,
although the oil might be.

While the interdependence of the

economics of these two products might suggest some form o£
subsidy for the meal,

the disposition of that material only


raises another disposal problem.
I found it disturbing that, while ERDA is very concerned
with the social and economic impacts of the developing energy

there appears to be no one specifically addressing

the social and economic implications of governmental actions in
the Marshall Islands as a part of present operations.


this input the scientific and technical decisions may not serve
the best interests of the islanders.


With reference to the radiological aspect,



to reassess

the dose

My impression was


the immediate

commitment and measure

the body

that the food consumption studies

need to be intensified to refine the actual intake of radionuclides and that increased efforts are required on the whole
body ccunting and the urine analysis.

‘The workshop discussed

the problems of analysis of urine for plutonium at low levels.
Our attention was drawn to the recent HASL’ Report 319 which
would indicate


that the number of Laboratories able to conduct

these Pu analyses

(and even y scans)

with a high degree of

confidence in their data is surprisingly small.

a .. | 172??

Select target paragraph3