It was very apparent to me,
the principal investigators,

and also expressed by some of

that there is an immedia:ze neci

fox strong program management embracing all the existing AES

It is my recommendation

that a program manager cr

scientific/technical Girector and a small steering committce
be appointed from a list of persons not presently ress.onsible
for the conduct of the program.

The program manager should be

given some executive responsibility and should be ressoonsible
directly to the AES.

The one project that received the most attention

from the

workshop was the proposed cleanup of the Enewetak Lagoon Islancds.

concern was expressed regarding the placement of

contaminated materials

and soil on Runit.

In particular the

rationale for using Cactus Crater for the contaminated concrete
slurry was not obvious.

This particular operation appearec to

have many disadvantages in that it does not remove the material
from environmental interaction since there are data that indicate
ocean water connections do exist and that erosion,



ultimately result in the material being returned to the uncontrolled situation.

As a repository for relatively short-lived

radioactive materials

this concept could be




consensus of the meeting was that the crater was not an
acceptable solution for plutonium contaminated wastes.
The discussion then moved to alternatives.

The most

Obvious one discussed was ocean disposal outside the lagoon.
It was reported that this was not acceptable to E.P.A.
is difficult to accept from a technical standpoint.



United States is a Signatory to the London Convention on
the Dumping of Wastes at Sea.
Resolution was signed by E.P.A.

The Technical Mcmorantunm andi
on behalf of the United


States Government and includes the definition and recommendations
for xadioactive materials,


SOLE 220


the basis

for ocean

Select target paragraph3