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The Inter~or-Department has not reached any definitive position with
respect to the scope of the plan required, or of the program to arise
“It would welcome the early expressions of views from any
from it.
~source as to the requir=ents of the s-tute. Preliminarily, the Interior
“ - Department suggests that the most reasonable reading of the statute appears
to be that the Secretary’s plan should provide for comprehensive health
care for the inhabitants of the four listed atolls — Bikini, Enewetak~
?xqelapl and Utirik; and that the inhabitants of additional atolls
-should also be afforded comprehensive health care if they have been affected
by radiation from the nuclear weapons testing program. In deciding
‘whetherthe inhabitants of additional atolls have been so affected,
““’the Secretary would consider information obtained from on-site health
evaluations of the people of those atolls, and other relevant evidence
. ..sented to

Select target paragraph3