NvA. Greenhouse and 1.7. “Mcuraw
Yeaisa Phytics ina Satacy Jivisizea, 3rockhaven Nacicnai Vaooracory, Jocon, Siew Yore 11971
Tivistoa of Osearacional iatecty, V.5. inergy Research and Caveicoment Adminiscracion, Wasningtona, 9.0.



In auguse, 1944, ?resicent Jannson ammounced chac ine seopla of Jikiai acoil would be aple <9 ractura 72
the.e homeland.
Therearctar, aimilar approval was given for sne reeurn of the secoles of inewecax.
swe tagionas, wnich comprised tna Pacwiic Nuclear Testisg areas ir
3744 39 1953, stil sronaoly 2e cvesonuwacad ov ime original .anaoicames ang their immslies wicthia tne wext vear.
As art of i583 coneinuiag
TASTOMSTILIis’ 13 unsure ine suolis neaich and gacaty sa comnection visn che nuclear srograms cager its
spensotshio, 223A (formerly AsC) nas coneracced Jrookhaven Jacicnal Laneracory to estadlish ractoiogical
3aiacy and environmencai sonicoring oregrams for che returning 3ik:a1 and inewetak secolas.
These ircsgrams are cascrisad .a cne collowing maver.
Thev are designed to jefine che excernal radiation environemeat, assess vadiation joses ‘tom iwacarnal emisters ia the ouman food cnain, take Long cange oradictians
3¢ total acses anc 3to9e@ commicmencs <3 indivicuais and Co aacn population group, and 20 suggese actions

wnicn wii. minimize doses Tia the a0re 4Lgniticane cacnways.

The 7.3. auclear tesgeing orograms 327 che 19403 and 1950s nad significane tacal environmental impacts of
tna coral accils of 3ik:a1 and Zsewecak in the “Marsnall islands.
The tigh level close-in fallouc nade
tmese acolis uninmabitaole for samy rears.
fallouc irom che 3RAVO event, mich cook siaca at 3ixini ia
Laisa, was isaavertencivy iesosited 21 ine 2eardy atoilis of Rongeias, Rongerix ana Jeisik.
Ia ail, some
InLsteen atoils

ia che cortmern Marshai.s vere srocaoly affacted

=3 2 greater ar

Lasser extanc oy



istm these suclear tests.
24 chese, nowever, the cost significance long term radiclogical ‘avace vas
am ime case atolls, Jisxia:. and inewecax, ana om Rongelap Aco...

la L987, Rongelao was veoccupiea ov its original inhaoitanss who nad Seen evacuated rvo days after
During <Me cast several vears, <etizicive slags nave Jeen tade 22 repactiace the original -snasizeangs 32 3ikini amd Snewerax Atolls, amd thetic iamiizres.
I5 is hoped thar their return cam <axe piace socn.
la order 29 tdenciSy sadiological proplema from residual radioactivicy in the envirooment, and :9
orovide a daca dase sor jose sredictions applicable co the caturming gopulace, SRDA ‘and its 2redecessor,
the AEC), nas sponsored namy radiological aurveys in she Marshall Islands.
These survevs Segan suring
last overacsconas and Tave Jeen comductad seriodically up co the sresent cime.
asules of the surveys cave
seen cuolished in aumercus resorts and scientific journsis.
References | chrough 12 are sublished cvesercs
df AEC EROA sucported surveys of thease acolls.
References 13 snrough 29 are 4a porrion of she auolisned
Tenarts cn work vien colleceaed environmental samples supported by AEC/ZRDA.
tvaluation of sumvey results for 3ikiai Acoll, che consideracion of srediccad exposures commared with
appiicaole radiation standards, and che acknowledgemene of =he mecy Senerizs to she seocie if cney could
tacura, ied to the decision co clean zo and rehapilicace chat atoll.
The Jeoarsmenc of Jerense, Separctenc 2£ che Ingertor “3015, amd azC (now ZROA) sarticipaced .2 a joint aclore of claan ao and rshaoilictatrem 22 3ikina Aecoll scarting in Teoruary, 1969.
Clean up was complecea in the fail of shat vear. AgT.tu.cural rtemabilication and housing consctuccion is being conducted 37 30L.
The decision to reeurna che Snewetakese oO cheir acoll ed co a comprehensive survey conducted at
Znewetak in 197201972.6-9)
4 regional survey alanned for 1975 will srovide vaseline vadtological iaca
zor Siscure dose assessments shrougnouc teary all of che cercshern Marsnali [siancs wmich aay aave Seen
afiacced by che ceeting sregram.
iZavironmencal evaluations ac Rongeiap and Jeirik Atolls have Deen undersakeo aentodicaily in association wich RDA's medical evaluaeions srogram <here over ine pase 70
years, \24e™
From all of these earlier surveys, 1c became apparent chac seriodic environmental nonicoring and dose
aSsessments must 3e nade ‘or 3ikini, inewecak, Zongelap and zerhaps ocher acolis ia che 20rcthern Marshalls
"2 taintain a curvenct radiological ¢aea Sase and to srevide currence ‘aformationa on iadividuai and 200u-atron doses. This follewup nomiucoring is Jeing sertormed 3y Jrockhaven Nacional Waboracory ag coe
requese of tne livision of Gperationa. safety, U.35. Zaergy Research and Jeveicoment sacminiscttaciong.

“Researca carried cuc act Jrcoxhaven Jational Laboratory under =he ausoices of the Vv. 3. icersy ies~
@arcn and Jeveloument Acminisecration.
Jv accepcanca of this apticle, the suolisaer and/or recistenct
acknowleages -he J.3. srvermmenc’s cignt ¢o Tatain a sonexc:.usive, rovyalcy-Cree .icense {mn ana co any
sooyright covering cis 2.aper.


Select target paragraph3