During October Lessard

completed the reconstruction of chronic dose

equivalents for Roazgelap and Utirix residents for the tine interval 1954 to

Retrospective and sontemporary external exoosure rate data, whole-body

counting data,

and radiochemical analysis of urine and blood data were re-

Dosimetric models which best described

structed for the nuclides of interest.

the uptake regime were con-

Daily activity ingestion rates,

whole-body dose~equivalent rates and dose-equivalent committents to various
orzans were determined.

Popularion dosimetry results and methods were written

up and reported in a BNL publication.
maintained at

Individual dosimetric records are

the Laboratory.

At the request of McCraw (DOEDHER), Lessard and Miltenberger analyzed

former Bikini and Rongelap personnel monitoring data in order to estimate
Cs-137 body burdens

for the population who may return to Enue Island, Bikini

This projection involved a determination of activity transfer factors

calculated from Rongelap and Bikini whole-body counting data and from activity
concentration analyses of coconut tree products.

These factors were

comparable for both atolls and dose-equivalent commitments were projected for
Ia December, Naidu contacted Dr. Shinji Okano of Japan regarding an-

alyses of the “Bikini Ash of Daigo-Fukuryumara”.

Lessard, Miltenberger and

Moorthy outlined a radiochemical separation/neutron fission radioassay technique to be used on urine collected from Marshallese exposed to tropospheric
wWeapons-test plutonium.

Sondhaus (UCCM) visited Lessard to discuss his work

related to acute phase dose reassessment for Rongelap and Jtirik residents.

the new Director of the Human Health and Assessments Division of the

Department of Energy was appraised of the RUDR program's activities.


Also in

Select target paragraph3