In September 1973,


Craighead and Greenhouse of BNLSEP began a

diac and living pattern study of Rongelan, Jtirik, Likiep and Ailuk Atolls.
Iniztal observations had been performed by Naidu during prior visits (Rongelap

§ weeks,

January-February 1977 and Utirik 2 weeks, April 1978) and by Knight

duriag FY 78.

Basic data was gathered on age distribution,

seasonal vartations of locally grown food,

family size,

food from other islands,

diet patterns and individual daily activity patterns.


Greenhouse also per-

forned ground level exposure rate measurements and surface soil sampling.
This work was performed in support of the Northern Marshall Islands Radiological 3urvey and expenses totalling $37,000 were reimbursed through Robison of
LL and Liverman of DOE.

External Radiation Survey and Dose Predictions for

Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik, Ailuk and Wotje Atolls,

N. A. Greenhouse and R.


BNL #50797, December 1977.

Radiological Analyses of Marshall Islands Environmental
Samples 1974-1976, N. A. Greenhouse, R. P. Miltenberger and F. T. Cua, BNL

#50796, December 1977.

MIRSP was funded with $281,000 operating and 325,000 capital.
funded with $50,000 operating.

RUDR was

Total staffing levels were 3.4 man years

scientific and professional and 1.6 man years technical support.

Lessard, a

prior collaborator on MIRSP joined with Greenhouse, Miltenberger and Naidu as

principle staff for MIRSP and RUDR.

Major equipment purchases included a

portable Davidson multi-channel analyzer and tower extentions for the windpowered electrical generators.


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