in October 1977, three wind~vowered electrical zenerators and long tera
air sampling stations were installed at Utirik,

Rongelap and Bikini Islands bv

members of BNLSEP and the owner/operator of Enertech Corporation,
of the wind=-powered systems.

A second comparison station was

Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll.

In addition,

were collected under controlled conditions
es at Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini.

Levine, Dillingham,

ertech Corporation.

the seller

i.stalled at

large volume urine samples

from five to seven Marshallese nal-

All of this work was performed by Green-

DeAngelis and Cua of BNLSEP and by Sherwin of En-

Also in October 1977 Miltenberger of BNLSEP and Cohn,

Rothman and Clareus of 8NL medical attempted to whole-body count the Marshallese population residing at Japtan Island, Enewetak Atoll.
certain political and social atmosphere,

Due to an un-

it was decided by the new Department

of Energy's Division of Safety, Standards and Compliance (DOEDSSC formerly


that BNL refrain

At that time,

from involvement with the Marshallese on Japtan Is-

the focus of the field work was switched to counting 35

Holmes and Narver employees who were residents of Enewetak Island.
In January 1978 Balsamo and Sherwin returned to Bikini, Rongelap and
Ucirik to complete wind-powered electrical generator installation and repair.

In April 1978 Miltenberger, Lessard and Naidu of BNLSEP participated in a
joint field trip with BNL Medical on Rongelap, Utirik and Bikini Atolls.


Utirik, che BNLSEP team collected urine, soil, vegetation and fish samples for
radiochemical analysis.

They also collected 5 day high-volume air samples and

Anderson cascade impactor air samples.

The wind-powered electrical generator

at Utirik was not working and could not be repaired.

Naidu remained behind on

Utirik for several weeks to teach the biological effects of radiation, a oro-

Select target paragraph3