years technical support.

Major equipment purchases included a Lawrence

Livermore Laboratory Portable Gamma Spectrometer and two Reuter Stokes Environmental Radiation Monitors.

Naidu (BNLHPS)

joined Greenhouse to forn the

program's principle staff.
Nelson and Greenhouse collaborated on a field trip to Majuro, Ponape,
Truk, Guam,

and Palau, as part of the UWLRE Pacific Basin Study.


Naidu, and Kuehner of 3NLHPS, Haughey of Rutgers University, Terpilak of the

of Health, Education and Welfare,

Bureau of Sadiological Health

and Xastens of University of New York at Stony Brook, Marine Science Center
participated in a March-April field trip to Bixini Atoll.

Their primary ob-

jecctives were beta and gamma dose rate measurements on Bikini Island and a

general radiological survey of Nam Island in the northwestern sector of the

This survey

included limited soil and vegetation sampling.

A joint

BNLU?S and UWLRE survey with the BNL Medical Department was undertaken in

The BNLHPS objective was to perform an environmental radiation

survey at Wotje, Ailuk, Utirik,

Rongelap and Bikini Atolls.

Special efforts

focussed on several northern islands at Rongelap.
and T.

Marshall Islands Radiological Followup, N. A. Greenhouse

F. McCraw, BNL #20767.


Marshall Islands Radiological Followup, N. A. Green-

house, Presented at the Ninth Midyear Topical Symposium, Operational Health
Physics, Denver, Colorado, February 1974.

FY 1977
Funding levels were $207,000 for operating and $89,000 for capital

Staffing levels were 2.0 man years scientific and professional

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