SurveLllanca 22 Facilizias and ites

Deriaee Tieta:


Dose Reassessmenc for Posulations om Asngeiaad anc ViIirix
Hxsosure is Fallous
GxedL-31L-52-+2- 2




200 ‘word Summary:
Incidences of thyroid nodules, benign and maliznant, in the exposed populacions of Utirik and Rongelap have indicsatec cricical
differences in corvespondence vetween nodule incidence and tnyroic dose fs
che two pogulations. The estimated external dose received from the size faliout began to the time of evacuation shows that tne Rongelap sepulatiscn received an external dose ( 175 rads) which was about thirteen times tnact for
the Utirik populacion (14 rads), and the thyroid dose was about ten tines

larger, whereas the incidence of thyroid nodules in the two sepulations were
mot signiicancly diitferenc.
A preliminary study nas indicated that the critical area ci investigation

that could shed Lignt is the seriod during fallouc and evacuation iar dota the

In addition,


face thac the Vririk population vecurned within 120

days following evacuatisa, whereas che Rongelap scoulaction returned only



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chree vears, recuiraes that we look closely ac the
Usiscik sopsulacion in terms 32
a longer exposure period, both internal and external.
Further studies would,
therefore, have to concencrate on the re-examination of all available data in

reports issued by varicus agencies during that seriod, consultacions with sci-

encific sersonnel invelved ac shac cime, idencifving the areas of uncertainszy,
and using appropriate computer srograms to analyze the data.
The end

will enabie us to look for correlacions between the incidence of cthyroiid
nodules and the reassessed dose estimates,

Relationsnis 19 Other 2Prsieccs:

This study will help establish dose escimates irom che time of the
incident to the present, and will complemenc the aerial susvev, ior external

radiation neasuremencs, over chese islands, wnich is scheduled soon.


they should present a reliabla sicture of doses received ov the sopulations
and also enadle dose astimates co be srojected ince the fucure.

(6) This study will be in close conjunction with the 3NL Radiologica!
Satety Program in the Marshall Islands and with related orograms of the 2NL
Mecical Department.

Continued collaboration with the University of Wasning=ca,

Laboratory of Radiation Ecology, in the area of anvironmental radioactivit;
will be maintained.

Tecnnical Brozress

in FY 1973:

Preliminary Literature search and consultations with Dr. C. a. Sonahaus,

University of California, nave been completed, This nas resulted in ceiininz
areas of uncertaincy in infcrmacion and establishing the procedural steps that
should be carried suc cowards elucidating this proolem.
Progress is being nade

Ge- 1 >/

(See Continuation Sheers)


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