Instrumentation and Methods

Lon Chamber Measurements
All environmental exposure rate measurements were obtained using a Reuter

Stokes environmental radiation monitor model RSS-lLI1L.

The instrument is

designed to measure environmental radiacion as low as 100 .Rad/year.


RSS-LLL consists of a spherical high sressure ion chamber filled to 25 atmospheres of argon.

Incident radiation sroduces ion pairs within the active

volume of the chamber which result in a current flow.

The currene flow is

measured by an electrometer and is directly related to the free air exposure

race (1).
The active volume of the stainless steel ionization chamber is known to


The current produced inthe chamber is a function of incident radiation

from an external field, cosmic tay-resvonse and contamination found in the
stainless steel.

The equation relating instrument response to energy of the

incident radiarcion is:
Rj] = Kj Ij} + Ra + Ke Ic

Rj * current produced in the chamber by the incident
gamma field
Kj = proportionality constant stacing the variability of
instrument response to the energy of the incident
gamma field
Ij = intensity of the gamma field in -R/hr
Ra = current produced by activity in the stainless steel
Ke = proportionality constant

Ic = intensity or cosmic rays

for cosmic rays

Select target paragraph3