3rookhaven National Laboratory commenced environmental monicoring of the
Marshall Islands for radioactivity in April 1974.

Since then, members of the

3NL statf have made a total of six field trips to the Marshall Islands co
collect a representative cross-section cf vegetation, animals,

fruits, soil

and water found on the islands for the purpose of assessing the radiological
efiects of the U.

S. Pacific Testing Programs.

The surveys covered X<wajalein, Wotho, Bixini, Rongelap and Utirik atolls.
A cocal of 1200 analyses were performed on 400 samples.

were analyzed for Sr-90, Pu-238, Pue259/240

Isa general, all samples

and any gamma emitters which may

have been present at the time of analyses.
Mose of the field sampling work was done in conjunceion with and in cooperation with a related envirormencal monitoring program operated by the Laboratory

for Radiacion Ecology (LRE) of the University of Washiagton.

The results of both

programs will be published in a series of joint and separate reports, with emphasis on the terrestrial environment from BNL, and emphasis on the marine foed chain
from L2E.

Select target paragraph3