5 operation, other functions of the unit should be continued. Tklese include the liaison functian which aids in the transportation and commur,lcaticin pertaining to patier,Ls~ and The p, ssant BNL Marshal lese Iabcil”atul-”ti ia.borator’~ maintainanc=. t~chni{:ia~; :+il] be retair+ed at 5(27. time, inclusive of the time spent on the medics] missions> so that those and cthe:nonclinical activities continue. i-equire persistent Cal-e and Cnmplex medical activities A formalized attention to detail to avoid unintentional errors. mechanism to guard against these and other potential mistakes is found in quality assurance programs now in operation in most hospitals. Hospital at ENL has been The Medical Department accredited by the Joint Commission Gn (+ccreditatian of Hospitals, the foremost accrediti]>g authority in the U.S. Clinical pharmscy services, patient csre laborataries~ medical records> and martiy uther items are included in a survey by the JCGt-i. accrediting ambulatory care units, Recently the 3C9H has begun and the BNL Clinical Research Center, an ambulatory care units i% planniiag to obtain JCRH recognition. The Marshall Islands pi-agi-am needs similar approval medical from an outside body. If possible, this will be clone as part of the 13NL Clinicdl Research Center. As the scop~ of medical care provided to the exposed now incre=isesp the previously defined program directed at neoplastic diseases and other unique problems possibly induced by the exposure will continue tcI he carried out. include a These cancer-oriented exalnination, special attenticln to endacrinolooic disorders, hematologic testing, and other items detailed in the long-term plan of the me~ical program as presented in .-, 1985. vJill continue The HNL program to evaluate the exposed population for evidence of increased risk of c!isordei-s which might be indirectly related to their exposure. The goal of this effort is .a clinical one: prevention and early diacjnos~s and tr~atment. For the most part these will be serologic surveys OY the type performed in the past fur hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis and prolactinomas. The basic requirement for carrying out a survey continue to be that it have clinical relevance of this sort will exposed population. to The serious h~alth effects of diabetes, hypertension and ether illnesses in the Exposed popuIation~ as well as the Mdrshallese in general. make the delayed effects of radiatiGn relatively insignificant. It is clear that there has developed in the exposed a serious lCISS of perspective as to what are ‘the real threats to health. It has taken rnan’y years of reinforcerr,ent fram the outside to jr(print the notion that radiation illrtess is al l-fJer’V&iSIVe. will take years to undo this harm. It But the attempt must b= made because far more serious health threats proceed apsce. Educational effa]-ts toward this end will continue