Plans are already underway

for the Bikinians to establish a presence on Eneu

Thus, an updated dose assessment

for Eneu Island is needed.

The 1981 assessment was based on limited data.
is available
Atol 1.

A greatly expanded data base

for Eneu Island as a result of the continuing

program at Bikini

Also, major resettlement will not occur before 1988.

Other refinements will be made in the new assessment.

For example, open air

gamma exposure rates were used to estimate wholebocly external doses in 1981.

In the new assessment, we will account for shielding by houses and by crushed
coral put around the houses.

Data for some food items are now available which

were estimated,

high, in the 1981 assessment.

and estimated

The end product

will be a more realistic estimate of the doses a returning population might
receive at Eneu Island.

This can be accomplished


in FY 1987.

Select target paragraph3