as circumstances


The program will, as a consequence,



ing efforts in the field to the extent that time permits during the medical
missions even though primary care is curtailed.
to offer the same examinations and diagnostic

The BNL program will continue

and therapeutic

options to all

inhabitants on the island at the time of the visits to Rongelap

The one difference between exposed and unexposed

former will be eligible for direct referral
the costs will be borne by the medical

(Mejato) and

is that only the

outside the Marshall

Islands, and


A hallmark of the BN} program has been the high rate of &ipli%nce
among the
; ,.rf__
.,..,., ,
exposed persons for annual medical examinations which remainh: as the~ have
sin~e the 1950s$ voluntary.

To assure continued


of the examina-

tions to all exposed persons who desire them, a second medical mission will be -!--+..
wr=r.ied.out several months after the first.
all exposed persons desiring examinations
single mission.

to think that

will be available at the time of a’” - ‘“”-- .

The second trip is designed

will comprise a physician, nurse, laboratory
Their work will be performed at Marshallese

It is unrealistic

to inclu~e~these

individuals and

and administrator.

facilities on Ebeye and Majuro.

if travel situations permit and clinical justification

,? :/ ,...,,’ .._

the optio~,j~totravel to Rongelap and Utirik should be available.
islands would be visited to ensure adequate
nostic and therapeutic problems.


The latter

medical follow-up of special diag-

It cannot be expected that the 4 Atoll

Health Care Program (4AHCP) will be able to adequately attend to all the special
needs of the exposed, even though a medical
needs may be on hand.

record system indicating

A third visit in the course of a year will be carried

out by one or two of the BNL staff to distribute


and collect medical


document adequate follow-up of special medical problems, and

maintain close working relations with the 4AHCP, DOE/PASO, and the Marshallese
Health Services.

.L. . .


As the scope of medical care provided to the exposed .,nowincreases, the previously
defined program directed at neoplastic diseases


and other unique problems possibly

Select target paragraph3