uranium would work but feared that an implosion bomb using plutonium might fizzle. “Therefore, they conducted the world's first muclear weapon test at Alamagordo, New Mexico in July 1945, The Trinity shot was a dramatic success and the implosion bomb, called "Fat Man" was used on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, three days after the "gun" bomb, called "Little Boy" was used on Hiroshima. The atomic barbs leveled both cities and ended the war in the Pacific,? America now debated how to manage the awesame power of atomic energy. The debate centered on congressional efforts to create an agency to direct nuclear research and development. Me of the most controversial igsues was whether to entrust the atom to a civilian or to a military agency. Deciding to entrust the atom to civilians, Congress passed the Atomic Fnergy Act which President Truman signed on August 1, 1946. The Act established a five member commission and assigned to the Commission all atomic energy facilities and programs. The Atomic Energy Act admonished the Cammission to manage the atom "subject at all times to the paramount security. nd objective of assuring the canon defense and The congressional mandate meant that developing and testing nuclear weapons would be the first priority of the Atamic Fnergy Camis- sion. To assure that the Commission factored military needs into weapon programs, the Act created a military liaison committee which reported both to the Camission and the Secretary of Defense. To provide Congressional checks and balances over the atomic energy pro- gram, the Act also created a Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy. Before the Cammission assumed control of the atom, the Navy wentec The Manhatz2n \A to know what the ateomic bomb would do to a mdern fleet.