Energy History Series, DOE/ES-0002, August 1982, p. 4, (hereafter .
cited as Dean, "Energy History Chronology,” Institutional Origins).

_ Report to the President of the United States fran the Atomic Energy

Commission January 1 - April 1, 1947, April 3, 1947. ‘he stockpile
probably contained sufficient parts for seven bambs,.not one of
which wes campletely assembled.

David A. Rosenberg, "U. S. Nuclear

Stockpile, 1945 to 1950," Bulletin of Atamic Scientists, Vol. 38,
No. 5, May 1982, >. 26.

Anders, "Office of Military Applications," Institutional Origins,
p. 3.

A. R. Leudecke to the Camission, August 16, 1963, ABC 1140,

History of Expansion of AEC Production Facilities, pp. 2-7,

(hereafter cited as AEC 1140). Dr. Richard G. Hewlett, the
Commission's historian, was the primary author of the paper.

ABC 1140, pp. 8-12.

The hydrogen bomb decision is described in

Richard G. Hewlett and Francis Duncan, Atomic Shield, 1947-1952

Volume II of A History of the United States Atomic Energy

Commission (University Park, 1969), pp. 362-409, (hereafter cited
as Hewlett and Duncan, Atomic Shield.)

AEC 1140, pp. 14-16.

Hewlett and Duncan, Atomic Shield, pp. ¢11-i7

and 430-32.


The quote regarding the safety of the nation comes from James ©.
Schnabel, United States Army in the Korean War, ‘Policy and

Select target paragraph3